After our previous post about how to take care lcd monitor, the following will we present how to care for your laptop / notebook, including:
Do not give anything including gloves Closing Laptops at your laptop turned on because it is based on the experience of my friend's laptop processor laptop will die because there is no air circulation beneath the surface of the Laptop
According to the survey, the most common laptop damage occurred on the hard drive and LCD display / screen. Hard drive damage caused by collision or fall. LCD damage is usually due to sun exposure and physical stress
Keep your laptop clean, wipe with a clean cloth or cotton that is free of dust.
Always use a laptop bag while traveling.
Never place heavy objects on top of the laptop
Avoid direct sunlight and make sure the laptop is always placed on a flat surface
Keep your laptop from strong magnetic fields, liquid fuel and a source of heat / cold or extreme temperature changes.
If the laptop is in trouble, do not try to disassemble itself. Should submit to a technician or service-center nearest. Because maybe the damage would be even more severe. Especially for a laptop that is under warranty - disassemble the laptop can damage the warranty sticker (warranty seal) which is still attached to the laptop.
When thelaptopis usedor themode onthe laptop isbest to avoid usingany kind includingglovesLaptopCoversordo notusethe aboveleptopcarpetor bedwhenlit.This is becauseat bottomthereleptopcoolingequipmentthat usesaircirculation.So iftheclosedaircirculationcanlead tobroken laptop.