Thursday, September 8, 2011


This post is about how to fix the total dead motherboard. Some might ask, what can? could answer. "REPAIR DEAD MOTHERBOARD" this time in a unique way, perhaps it could be called a crazy idea. why crazy?. DEAD MOTHERBOARD REPAIR  here the way in the wash with water. An apparent contradiction if in fact the main enemy of electronics is Water. Who knew a dead motherboard could eventually be used again. But not from wash to wash here, but please follow the instructions: 
These tips I get when I was a student at PRADATA COMPUTER
  • Remove CMOS BATTERY (Payer statute, if your mainboard will burn, because there is still a CMOS Batteries conductor current).


  • Remove the CMOS jumper.
  • To place Procesor socket do not contact with the brush. Please just doused with water alone. Dry in the sun a full day, until completely dry.
  • Ready to be reassembled.
  • May be Useful 
 Please see the video :