Have you ever experienced something like this? maybe when you really want to require your PC suddenly can not live? same can not be used? okey .. Do not panic, try to follow the steps below:
- Check the cable connection from the AC electricity into your computer, chances are loose or not installed at all.
- Check the monitor power cable and video cable that connects to a computer VGA connector is connected properly or not.
- Check the connector pins of a VGA monitor cable, is there any pins are bent or not, If there are bent try the alignment again and plug it into the VGA slot CPU card and turn on your computer.
- Check the cable connections from the power supply to the motherboard, may be loose or not installed.
- Check your computer monitor, if the light turns power on or not, if the monitor power light does not light means there is a problem of your monitor or damaged, you should fix it.
- Check your power supply, connect the cable to check the color green with a black cable, if the fan is still a good living, then power on.
- Check the Power Supply voltage, there are two power supply voltages of 12 volts and 5 volts, check the red wire with black cable with a multitester, when the voltage was less than 12 and 5 volt power supply means have to be replaced.
- If it turns out its still good power supply, computer turned on when the power supply fan and processor cooling fan works but the computer will not turn on, turn off your computer, unplug the processor fan, then turn it back on for 1 minute, trying to hold the processor, if the processor was warm mean processor is still good, but if the processor does not mean the heat has broken your processor needs to be replaced.
- Porcesor If you are still good, but the computer does not want to flame, check your memory, do you have two computers that use similar memory try to plug into the computer, if the computer is not alive after using the memory, means the memory is damaged, you must replace the memory
- When his memory was still good but the computer does not want a flame, check your VGA card (When using a VGA card), try to test your VGA card to another computer, if the computer does not want to flame, then you should replace your VGA card for VGA card is damaged.
- When the VGA card is still good but your computer will not turn on, try Clear Bios, by way of pin jumper Normal position to the position of Clear, after you jumper to the Clear position, turn on your computer for a few seconds, then turn off your computer and unplug the electrical power from the CPU, return the jumper to the position Normal position, reconnect the power cable to your CPU and turn on your computer.
- If after doing the Clear CMOS turns your computer does not also want to live, maybe one of your computer components such as, CD Room, the hard drive is damaged or shorted out in the mechanical or electric. try to disconnect the component. Once you unplug the connected components in the computer and then you turn on the computer and the computer you want to live means any one of these components is damaged. Turn off your computer and try connecting to the computer components one by one until you find where the faulty component. And if the components meet the damaged, immediately replace your parts or take place of service.
- If it turns out all the computer components in good condition, but your computer still will not turn mean chipset your computer or your motherboard is damaged, please replace your motherboard, or take it to the place of service distributor of the motherboard.
- Check the Driver Installation of computer components, especially the VGA Card Driver, Driver vga card if you do not fit with its VGA system there will be conflict, so your computer will not work or Hang.
- When you update the Bios, but that you update the bios does not match the computer system motherboard then you will not live, you must replace the bios update to the standard position. Be careful in updating the bios, if it turns out the bios does not match then the computer will not be able to read your computer components including hard drives and USB, so you have to replace the chipset bios when there is a sale, if nothing is selling then you're forced to replace your motherboard.