Thursday, September 22, 2011

Computer Restarts Itself

Have you ever experienced a computer restart itself? .. Certainly quite annoying, especially as we're using that computer. For example, if you perform tasks such as typing a Microsoft program and you do not forget to save the data, then restart own computer .. you have to start over from scratch .. really annoying right? ..

Computer restarts Itself is the post this time to continue posting yesterday about how to fix a broken computer memory. Computer restarts Itself many causes. And this time I will explain some of the causes of restarts Computer Itself.

Computer Restarts Itself

  1. Damaged Program. This damage most commonly occurs because of the many viruses on your computer. Damage to the program can also be due to the loss of deleted files or programs due to electric shock or it could be due to incomplete installation program.
  2.  Processor heat is generally caused by your processor fan and heatsink does not work optimally, or even die.
  3. Memory (RAM) often does not work optimally due to dirt, rust and dirty memory slots.
  4. Elcho Motherboard leak or sag caused by the hot temperature in the casing.
  5. Hard drive is full, causing a crash on the program.
  6. May be useful